Last week, Bob wrote a blog post that explained what a quantum leap is.
As a quick reminder, a quantum leap is a sudden and significant change, advance, or increase in our growth, effectiveness, and results.
In his post, Bob also described a quantum leap he made many years ago.
Today, I pick up where Bob left off. I share common habits and factors you can adopt to make your own leap.
Let’s start with four common denominators of quantum leaps:
• Quantum Leaps Start With a Change in Vibration (or Feeling)
Although a quantum leap may seem magical, it usually is not. Rather, it’s a re-action to a change in how you think and feel—a change in your vibration.
For a quantum leap to occur, there must be a catalyst to ignite the process, such as a strong desire to achieve a breakthrough.
Whether you’re serious about earning a lot more money, reversing a health condition, or launching a successful business, your desire changes what you think about, and that changes your feelings. Another word for your feelings is your vibration.
When you feel different (because of your new desire), you do different things and develop new habits. And those new actions lead to breakthrough results.
• Quantum Leaps Require a Suspension of Disbelief
Right now, the idea of achieving a major breakthrough may be alien because your mindset is flawed by doubt and skepticism.
To experience a quantum leap, you must allow yourself to ask words like “What if?” In other words, you have to give yourself an alternate framework of reality to step into. “What if” causes you to go where you have not gone before.
Quantum leaps occur when you say things like:
•What if I revolutionized the healing industry?
•What if there’s an opportunity for me that is much bigger and more rewarding than the high-paying job I have right now?
•What if I could earn twenty times more money than I’ve ever earned before?
Then, you suspend your disbelief and pursue this alternate reality, acting as if your success is certain.
• Quantum Leaps Rely on Unseen Forces
Multiplying your income or achieving other outstanding results can sound unrealistic if you think of it as something you have to do all by yourself.
The good news is you don’t have to do it on your own. At least not in the way you think.
You must understand there is far more to you than meets the eye. In fact, you will never see the greatest part of you because it is spiritual—pure unadulterated energy.
You are living simultaneously on three distinct planes of existence—the spiritual plane of thoughts (your highest potential), the intellectual plane of ideas (middle potential), and the physical plane of results (lowest potential).
And you are always working from the higher (the unseen or thoughts) to the lower potential (the seen or physical results).
Quantum leaps occur when you think about and focus on how good it feels to have the breakthrough results you desire—being wealthy, having a thriving business, having changed the world in some meaningful way.
Although this might appear to be a game you are playing, you are doing one of the wisest things you can possibly do—you are deliberately working from the unseen to the seen.
• Quantum Leaps Require Faith
When things appear bleak or look like nothing is changing, maintain your faith, and act as if you’ve already accomplished your goal.
By focusing on what you want and continuing to strive to achieve it, things will quickly start to change. You cannot change within and remain the same without. By law, your circumstances will begin to reflect what is in your heart.
Now that you’re aware of some common denominators of quantum leaps, here are four steps you can take—or habits you can develop—to achieve one:
1. Quit trying harder. As Bob explained last week, a quantum leap doesn’t come from working harder at the same things you’ve always done.
To achieve a quantum leap, you have to shift gears mentally and physically. First, you must realize that you are capable of exponential improvement. And then, you have to choose a totally new approach(es) that moves you toward your goal.
2. Look inside for the opportunity. When you have a strong desire to do something, you will always have the energy and knowledge to do it. Everything you need comes from inside of you. Your dreams and desires point the way toward making the leap to where you want to land.
What is it that you most want to achieve? Set the intention for the quantum leap so your unconscious mind can create the pathway for your breakthrough.
3. Think beyond what common sense would allow. If you want to make a big jump, such as making a 100, 200, or 500 percent improvement in an area of your life this year, you have to do something that flies in the face of your usual “sensible” way of thinking.
You have to think illogically.
Because your logic, which is dictated by your paradigm, controls your habitual behavior. And your behavior produces your results.
So, if you want to be, do, or have something entirely different, you must do things that are outside of the box you have built for yourself. You need a strategy that is based on uncommon sense.
Make your move before you’re ready. Don’t over plan or prepare before getting started. Decide to open yourself to the resources that are available to serve you and make a move now. Whatever else you need will come as you go.
Think about what you’re learning about yourself, your ideas, your capabilities, and the new possibilities for yourself. Figure out what you enjoy, what you dislike, and what you’re good at. Then consider how it all informs your next steps.
Enjoy the freedom you’ve always wanted
By developing the habits above, one day, you will break the barrier.
You’ll turn your annual income into your monthly income… you’ll receive a clean bill of health… your business will reach a monumental milestone… or you will break the addiction.
On that day, at the time of your breakthrough, you will make it easier for those who come after you.
And you’ll see the world from such a different view, you won’t be able to remember what life was like before.
To more and better,
Sandy Gallagher