It’s a little book, but it packs a powerful punch and has changed countless lives.
In fact, The Science of Getting Rich made such an impact on Bob that he made its contents the foundation of most of the courses, products, and programs he has created.
One of the most powerful ideas in The Science of Getting Rich is something Wattles refers to as “leaving people with the impression of increase.”
It’s certainly a life-changing idea; however, it can be a little difficult to understand.
So, let’s make it easier to understand by first looking at what “increase” is.
What Wattles says about increase…
“Increase is what all men and all women are seeking. It is the urge of the formless intelligence within them to find fuller expression.
“The desire for increase is inherent in all nature. It is the fundamental impulse of the universe. All human activities are based on the desire for increase. People are seeking more food, more clothes, better shelter, more luxury, more beauty, more knowledge, more pleasure—more life.
“Every living thing is under that necessity for continuous advancement. Where increase of life ceases, dissolution and death set in at once.
“People instinctively know this, and hence they are forever seeking more.”
Should spiritual people want more?
Wallace Wattles’ teachings set the record straight for anyone who thinks “spiritual people” shouldn’t want to be wealthy.
His teachings show us that, because we are spiritual beings and spirit is always for expansion and fuller expression, the desire for more is natural.
In fact, the desire for increase is inherent in all nature. A flower wants to bloom. An acorn wants to become an oak tree. All species want to leave their nest.
There is nothing evil or reprehensible in wanting more as long as we are not seeking more at the expense or detriment of others. And when we seek increase for all and we are not in competition with each other or trying to have dominion over anyone else, wanting more is one of the most spiritual things we do.
And that leads us to the subject of this post…
What is the impression of increase?
Wattles says that we should leave everyone with the impression of increase.
Simply put, to convey the impression of increase, you must want the same for everybody that you want for yourself. It’s leaving others feeling better than before they met you.
As wonderful as the idea of the impression of increase is, no amount of reading or memorizing information will make you successful in life.
What counts is understanding and applying wise ideas.
For example, each day if we simply…
- Practice gratitude
- Keep moving forward toward the good things we want in life
- Always do our best
- Bring a loving and proactive spirit to everything we do
- Celebrate other people’s gifts and highlight what they are doing well
…we will convey the impression of increase for ourselves and to others.
Start to convey the impression of increase today
Make a decision right now that you will leave every person that you encounter with the impression of increase. Then, start saying things to people that make them feel good about themselves.
It may feel awkward at first. However, it will get easier because there is so much good about every person. And if you look for it, you’re going to see it.
And when you do see it, do you know what you’re going to see?
A reflection of the good that’s in you.
Isn’t that beautiful?
Here are seven things you can start saying or doing to convey the impression of increase to others:
- Give them genuine compliments.
- Ask questions about them and listen to their answers.
- Point out their accomplishments.
- Smile as much as possible and use their name.
- Acknowledge their effort.
- Point out how kind they are.
- Pay attention to and acknowledge the little things they do.
You can download a PDF of these strategies to use as a daily reminder below.
A timeless idea
Even though Wattles wrote that increase is what all men and all women are seeking in the early 1900s, it’s as true today as it was then.
As spiritual beings, we will always want more life.
To get what you are seeking, hold the image of increase and advancement in your mind. Then, let that image inspire, fill and permeate every action, including doing everything you can to be a blessing to others.
Now, Bob and I would love to hear from you on two questions:
- Have you been conveying the impression of increase in your life, and if so, how?
- Is there a particular insight that you are taking away from this discussion on the impression of increase?
Leave a comment below and let us know.
Thank you so much for reading and sharing your experiences and insights with this community. Together, we can help everyone advance and enjoy more of the good things in life.
To more and better,
Sandy Gallagher