There are a number of things, but when people ask me how to develop a great attitude, they are basically interested in two things:
They want to know how to sail through life moving from one success to another and, when they occasionally fail at something, how to shrug it off and head right out again.
Common Traits
No matter what a person does—whenever you find someone doing an outstanding job and getting outstanding results, you’ll find a person with a good attitude.
These people believe:
• They can accomplish what they set out to accomplish.
• Achievement is the natural order of things.
• There’s no good reason on earth they can’t be competent—successful.
They have a healthy attitude toward themselves—and as a natural result, toward life and the things they want to accomplish.
Because of this, they achieve remarkable things and come to be called successful, outstanding, brilliant, lucky and so on. They are quite frequently no more brilliant or talented than the majority of the people by whom they are surrounded … but they have the right attitude.
They find their accomplishments not too difficult simply because it seems so few others are really trying or really believe in themselves.
It’s Impersonal
The world plays no favorites; it’s impersonal. It doesn’t care who succeeds and who fails; nor does it care whether we change or not. Yet, one’s attitude is incalculably powerful. It can bring about marvelous results for us. But we must train it, patiently, day by day.
Successful people come in all sizes, shapes and colors, and in widely varying degrees of intelligence, background, and education. But they have one thing in common, they expect more good out of life than bad; they expect to succeed more often than they fail—and they do.
When you want something worthwhile, take the attitude that there are a lot more reasons why you can have it than why you can’t. Set out to earn it—go after it—work for it—ask for it—and nine times out ten, you’ll get it.
Now, Think About This
Attitude is the reflection of a person. (What’s going on on the inside shows on the outside.)
Our environment, the world we’ve created around ourselves, is really a mirror of our attitude. If we don’t like our environment, we can change it by changing our attitudes.
So, if a successful attitude will help to bring us the success we seek, how does a person get this kind of attitude?
I could go on and on here, but it’s covered best in Lesson One of The New Lead the Field Coaching Program—the program I mentioned in the video.
In the 12 lessons of this program, Sandy and I help you expand your level of awareness by sharing the ancient truths and laws that Earl Nightingale so brilliantly buried in the original, award-winning series of recordings, Lead the Field.
Lesson One of The New Lead the Field Coaching Program is called The Magic Word, and it’s all about attitude. It shows you that our attitude toward life doesn’t affect the world and the people in it nearly as much as it affects us.
It’s a fabulous lesson. Download it now and listen to it every day for at least ten days, and you will start to develop an exceptional attitude sooner than you think.
After you listen to the lesson, pick one thing you’re going to do differently tomorrow to help improve your attitude. Then, leave us a comment below to let us know what you chose and the effect having on your attitude.
To your success,
Bob Proctor
P.S. The New Lead the Field Coaching Program helps you understand why ordinary people achieve extraordinary results. The program is designed to run over 120 days. I guarantee, if you use the program the way Sandy and I designed it, 120 days from now you’re going to need a telescope to look back to see where you started. Click here for more details on how and why this program is so powerful.