Make This Your Best Financial Year Ever:
Bob Proctor’s Simple Steps to Switch On Your Wealth-Building Mindset

May 28, 2020 @ 12:00 PM Eastern | LIVE Streamed Globally

Tarcher Penguin named Bob Proctor America’s Greatest Prosperity Teacher

How would your life transform if you had the confidence in yourself to create a money breakthrough – any time you wanted or needed one.

Imagine KNOWING without a shadow of a doubt that you could create financial security for yourself and your family – no matter what the circumstances are.

Think about how your life would look with you effortlessly achieving one money breakthrough after another – the weight that would be lifted off your shoulders and the pride that would fill your chest.

In fact, here’s an interesting fact for you – you have all the power and potential to make this your reality RIGHT NOW. All you need is the understanding and awareness of how to apply it to your life.

Stop living life the hard way.

Your mindset controls every single result you’re getting, and it’s time for your to create a money breakthrough.

Your mindset has either created a Money Breakthrough for you … Or it hasn’t.

Wouldn’t you LOVE to figure out how to actually control your mindset so it churns out one money breakthrough after another?

You CAN – with iMindset | Money Breakthrough.


I’m teaching a live online seminar to explain the simple steps to properly controlling your Mindset so that you, too, can achieve one money breakthrough after another. (I know it sounds terribly easy, but when you know how to apply the secrets in an exact way, it really is easy.)

It doesn’t matter where you are in the world. We’re streaming this everywhere, to all points of the globe and directly into your home or office. We’re even including a replay to ensure that you have EVERY possible opportunity to invent your phenomenal breakthrough.

The iMindset Seminar Starts In

Together I’ll help you understand how you can create a money breakthrough, and then duplicate it over, and over again.

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iMindset | Money Breakthrough LIVE Access + Workbook

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7 Day Replay



iMindset | Money Breakthrough LIVE Access + Workbook

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Access to our Creating Success Daily Habits Package



iMindset | Money Breakthrough LIVE Access + Workbook

Access to a private Facebook group

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Access to our Creating Success Daily Habits Package


You Were Born Rich Program

JOIN THE MOVEMENT | #Mindset2020