Nicole’s background is in teaching, journalism, communication studies, Native American studies, social work, and counseling. She started studying Bob and Sandy’s teachings about ten years ago at the encouragement of her dear friend, Arash. Through that mentorship, she met and married her husband, traveled all over the world and had two wonderful tiny humans that are the very best gifts she’s ever received. Nicole’s work with the Proctor Gallagher Institute has been a wonderful opportunity to practice the work that changed her life, and she is grateful every single day.

When she was a young girl, Nicole wanted to be an author. She wrote short stories and would bind them together with ribbons and give them as gifts to her family members. Her imagination was wild and bold, and she loved sitting at the kitchen table and writing for hours on end. Today, she admires J.K. Rowling for her talent, imagination, work, and what she gives back to her community.

Nicole is very passionate about foster care and ASPCA (American Society for the Prevention of Cruelty to Animals). She knows both need adult voices who will protect them and love them just as they are so that they can truly live their best lives. She believes everyone deserves the opportunity to feel safe, have shelter, healthy food, and, most importantly feel loved.

This program is designed to help you understand and apply the principles and concepts necessary to create a thriving life. You can look forward to understanding the Universal Laws (and how they apply to you), understanding your mind and how to use it to create what you want, an improved self-image, plus the accountability to make your goals happen. With rigorous application of these principles and coaching, each participant will experience incredible results in all areas of their lives.

The Proctor Gallagher Consultant Certification is a business opportunity for you to join the Personal Development Industry with the training and content that sets you up for instant and lasting success. There is an ongoing training designed to teach you not only how to facilitate this information, but how to launch and run a successful business. Join Bob Proctor, Sandy Gallagher and their team as you apply these principles to your own life and also create a business teaching others to do the same.

The Matrixx is a 6-day event where your ideas are created, developed and monetized. At the Matrixx Bob Proctor, Sandy Gallagher and their team work exclusively on developing and bringing your idea to life through a dynamic, proven and powerful process. You’ll also have the benefit of sharing resources in an organized networking exercise with the other 100-200 like-minded attendees.

The Inner Circle is about being part of a community that has a strong eagerness to succeed in all, not just some, areas of life. You will not only have access to Bob Proctor, but you can also mastermind, brainstorm and associate with other members of the Inner Circle who live all around the world.